Welcome to Irrigation & Drainage Engineering Department

Project Details

Sr.No. Project Title Funding Agency PI & Co-PI's Details Starting Date Duration Amount Sanctioned
1 Performance Evaluation of Some Selected Sprinkler Systems and Development of Criteria for Their Optimum Design Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi India. Dr R P Singh, Dr K K Singh 2000-01-15 42 months Rs. 921760
2 Precision farming Development Centre (PFDC) Pantnagar Code-741 MOA&FW, GOI Dr P K Singh, Dr Dhirendra Kumar Singh, Dr V P Singh, Dr Lalit Bhatt and Dr S K Maurya 1988-02-01 32 years Rs. 40 lakhs (approx.) Annual
3 IWNM in Litchi – MM-I MM- I, MOA&FW, GOI Dr P K Singh, Dr S K Singh, Dr R L Lal 2004-04-01 5 years 15 Lakhs
4 Training and Demonstration of Efficient Water Management through Micro Irrigation System in Terraced Land for Growing Vegetables code-580 MM- I, MOA&FW, GOI Dr P K Singh, Dr R P Joshi and Dr P V Singh 2004-04-01 5 years 15 Lakhs
5 Integrated Water and Nutrient management in Mango UPDASP, UPCAR Dr K N Shukla, Dr P K Singh and Dr C P Singh 2000-04-01 3 years 15 Lakhs
6 UPDASP Adhoc project "Studies to develop cropping system & drainage system for water logged area. UPDASP Dr KK Singh, Dr Shiv Kumar 2001-03-01 Three years five lakhs
7 Hydrological and agro-ecological sustainability of rice-wheat cropping system for a selected area of Ganga and Ramganga interbasin in U.P. ICAR Dr H C Sharma, Dr Shiv Kumar 2002-07-01 Three years five lakhs
8 Irrigation Water Management 130 ICAR Dr. Yogendra Kumar Prof IDE, Dr. Vinod Kumar Prof IDE 2014-03-01 up to next 5 year plan 130 lakh for 2020-21
9 Optimization of ground water utilization through wells and pumps” ( Ground water Utilization) ICAR DR. H C Sharma, Dr. Yogendra Kumar 1976-01-01 merged with Water management now IWM 48 lakhs for 2013-14
10 Scaling up of Water Productivity in Agriculture for Livelihoods through Teaching cum Demonstration, Training of Trainers and Farmers MoWR through Directorate of Water Management (ICAR), Bhubaneswar Dr H C Sharma, Dr Vinod Kumar, Dr Subhash Chandra, Dr K S Shekhar 2007-02-01 5 years 120 lakhs
11 AICRP on Irrigation Water Management ICAR through ICAR Indian Institute of Water Management, Bhubaneshwar Dr Yogendra Kumar, Dr Vinod Kumar, Dr Gurvinder Singh 1970-04-01 Five Year Plan basis NA
12. Establishment of Field Equipment for Validation of Evapotranspiration and Soil Moisture Products under National Hydrology Project National Remote Sensing Centre, ISRO, Hyderabad Dr. P.K. Singh

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