Welcome to Electrical Engineering Department

About Department

Head Electrical Engg.
Dr. A.K. Swami
Prof. & Head
Department of Electrical Engineering

The Department of Electrical Engineering founded in 1966 offering B.Tech. in Electrical Engineering. PhD programme in Electrical Engineering was started in 1980 while the M. Tech. in Electrical Energy System started in 1987. The department also offered B.Tech. in Electronics & Communication Engineering and Computer Engineering from 1983 to 1994 till trifurcation of the department. The department is rich with well qualified and experienced faculty members. The department is also equipped with the latest facilities and equipment for catering to the needs of both undergraduate and postgraduate students. Majority of the graduates are well placed in India and abroad. Many of them have also gone for higher studies in the country and abroad. B.Tech. in Electrical Engineering programme is NBA accredited. Being part of a university offering courses in diversified fields, the students have a great opportunity to carry out research in multidisciplinary areas which is an added edge.

Historical Background
  • B.Tech. in Electrical Engineering was started in 1966.
  • Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering was introduced in 1980.
  • B.Tech. in Electronics & Communication Engineering and B.Tech. in Computer Engineering were started in 1984.
  • Trifurcation of the Department took place in 1994.
  • M.Tech. in Electrical Energy System was started in 1987.

  • Recent Publications Click Here

    Program Outcomes

    Vision: To be a centre of excellence in teaching and research in Electrical Engineering leading to futuristic and enlightened technocrats imbued with a passion for service to community and the nation.


  • To provide sound state-of–the-art technical knowledge in Electrical Engineering
  • To prepare the students for facing global challenges in industries and research
  • To instill competencies in the students for working in interdisciplinary work culture
  • To create desire for undertaking lifelong learning and initiatives in developing environment-friendly rural technologies for agriculture and hill development.

  • Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

    PEO 1: To educate the students for acquiring sound knowledge in the field of Electrical Engineering and allied fields, so as to meet the rapidly changing needs in the field of Electrical Engineering

    PEO 2: To provide knowledge and skills for conducting research in the field of Electrical Engineering

    PEO 3: To facilitate the students with necessary knowledge in the field of Electrical Engineering so as to succeed in competitive examination for pursuing higher studies or pursuing career.

    PEO 4: To offer excellent academic learning environment in the department for facilitating students to become eminent team players & expose the students on professional, ethical and social skills to shape them with quality for analyzing and solving engineering and social issues, especially of Uttarakhand.

    Program Specific Outcomes

    • PSO1: To demonstrate the ability to apply the knowledge of mathematics, basic sciences, and computational techniques in order to solve real life problems in the field of Electrical Engineering.
    • PSO2: To demonstrate the professional competency by utilising the knowledge of Electrical Engineering for harnessing the materials and natural forces for the benefit of mankind.
    • PSO3: To be able to understand and handle ever changing technologies related to Electrical Engineering through continuous learning.

    Few accomplishments

  • Centre of Excellence in “Energy Studies in Industries and Agro Systems of Uttarakhand” (Energy Management) funded by MHRD under TEQIP-II) - 5 Crore
  • Associate Professor Chair by Rural Electrification Corporation (REC New Delhi) - 65 Lacs
  • Books Published - 04
  • Book Chapters Published - 09
  • Patents Filed – 02
  • GIAN Programmes organised – 02
  • Faculty contributing as member of Board of Studies in other Institutes, UERC – 05
  • Faculty contributing as member of Selection Committees in Institutes of Uttarakhand and other states
  • AICTE funded Projects (MODROB) – 04
  • AICTE funded Projects (R & D, MODROB) – 01
  • “Hybrid Control in Automated Guided Vehicle Systems"
  • Academic/Industrial Foreign Assignments – 02
  • Faculty Served in other Engineering Institutes of Uttarakhand as Principal/Director – 03
  • Best Teacher Award/Appreciation Abroad – 02
  • Project Submitted to DST - # 98077 Enhanced Power Grid with Reliable Batteries & Power Electronics
  • PhD awarded by the department – 12
  • Regularly invited to chair conference sessions, deliver keynote address and expert lectures

  • S. No Category Remarks
    1. Books Published 09
    2. Book chapters 17
    3. Patents Granted 05
    4. Patents Filed 11
    5. Ongoing/Completed Projects 02
    6. Projects submitted 03
    7 Ph.D. awarded by Department 18

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