Dr. Arun Kumar
Department : Farm Machinery and Power Engineering
Email-id: arunkumar@gbpuat-tech.ac.in
Qualification: Ph.D.
Designation: Professor
Research Interests: Farm mechanization, Agril. residue Management, precision agriculture, Design and development of farm machines
1. Bhabani Shankar Dash, Arun Kumar, Rajesh U Modi and Sharad Kr Namdev. 2020. . Design and Performance Evaluation of Self- Propelled Intra – Canopy Boom Spraying System Journal of Agric. Engineering. 57(3): 195-
2. Deepshikha Azad, Arun Kumar, and Rajat Kumar Sharma. 2019. Vibration Analysis of Thresher for Determining Optimum Operational Conditions. Paper ID No. ISAE-2019/FMP/PPT-15. 53rd Annual Convention of ISAE and International Symposium on Engineering Technologies for Precision and Climate Smart Agriculture “Institute of Agricultural Sciences, BHU, Varanasi. Jan 29-30, 2019
3. Amit Bhatnagar, Arun Kumar and Gurvinder Singh . 2018. Effects of Mechanized Simultaneous Earthing Up and Urea Application on Maize (Zea mays L.)†. Proc. National Symposium on “Doubling Farmers’ Income Through Agronomic Interventions Under Changing Scenario" at, Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology (MPUAT), Udaipur, Rajasthan from 24–26 October , 2018
4. Arun Kumar and Bhabani S dash. 2018. Effect of Nozzle Type, Pressure and Height on Spray Distribution Pattern and Droplet Characteristic. Proc. CIGR- AgEng2018 conference July 8–12 , 2018, Wageningen University, The Netherlands
5. Deepshikha Azad ,Arun Kumar, and Rajat Kumar Sharma. 2018. Evaluation of performance parameters of modified spice thresher for mustard (Brassica Nigra L.) Crop. Paper ID No. ISAE-2018/FMP/PPT-15. 52nd Annual Convention of ISAE and National Symposium on “Doubling Farmers’ Income through Technological Interventionsâ€. Anand Agriculture University, Anand, Jan 8-12 2018, Pg 212
6. Bhabani Shankar Dash and Arun Kumar, 2018. Measurement of droplets produced by agricultural sprayers-A review. Paper ID No. ISAE-2018/FMP/PPT-17. 52nd Annual Convention of ISAE and National Symposium on “Doubling Farmers’ Income Through Technological Interventionsâ€. Anand Agriculture University, Anand, Jan 8-12 2018, Pg 213
7. Amit Bhatnagar and Arun Kumar. 2017. Fertilizer band placement-cum-earthing machine effects on growth, productivity and profilibility of maize(Zea mays) under varying nitrogen levels. Indian Journal of Agronomy 62(1):78-82 (March 2017)
8. Arun Kumar and G Bhandari. 2016. Effect of type of cylinder, cylinder speed and concave clearance on threshing of coriander. Proc. CIGR- AgEng2016 conference June. 26–29, 2016, Aarhus, Denmark
9. Arun Kumar 2016. Machinery and technologies for crop production - A conservation agriculture approach. Proc. CIGR-AgEng 2016 conference, June. 26–29, 2016, Aarhus, Denmark
10. Karuna Murmu, T.C. Thakur Arun Kumar and D Singh. 2014. A Study on the Effect of Deep and Differential Depths Placement of Fertilizers on Potato Crop Response. International Journal of Agriculture Innovations and Research. 3.1: 331-338
11. Humanizing Work and Work Environment 2014. “ERGO 2012†Safety for All. College of Home Science, GBPUAT, Pantnagar
12. Arun Kumar, Thakur, T C and Gautam R C 2014. Evaluation of Pant-Winged Subsoiler in Relation to Soil Properties and Maize Crop Response. Journal of Agric. Engineering. 51(2): 54-59
13. Arun Kumar and Ahmad Hamza Umran. 2014. Design, Development and Performance Evaluation of Fertilizer Band Placement cum Earthing Machine for Maize (Zea mays)†Proc. International Conference of Agricultural Engineering AgEng 2014 held at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich Switzerland, during July 6-10, 2014
14. Arun Kumar, T.C. Thakur and D. Ratnakiran Wankhade 2014. “A Study on Tillage Systems and Crop Geometry for Mechanization of Sugarcane Harvesting in Northern Region of Indiaâ€. International Conclave on Sugar Crops & Sugar fest-2014, held at IISR, Lucknow during 15-17 Feb. 2014
15. Arun Kumar and Tarun Chaudhary. 2013. Performance Evaluation of Small Axial Flow Multicrop Thresher on Cowpea and Wheat. Paper ID No. ISAE-2013/FMP-T-3.4. The 47th Annual Convention of ISAE and International Symposium on Bio energy- Challenges and Opportunities scheduled to be organized at the ANGRAU, Hyderabad during 28th - 30th January 2013.
16. Kumar, A. Y. Chen, A. Sadek, S.Rahman. 2012. Soil cone index in relation to soil texture, moisture content, and bulk density for no-tillage and conventional tillage. Agric Eng International: CIGR Journal.Vol.14 (1):26-37
17. SOUVENIR (2012) 46 th Annual Convention “Indian Society of Agricultural engineers (ISAE) & International Symposium on Grain Storage†February 27-29, 2012, Pantnagar, India
18. Vishal Singh, Arun Kumar and T.C. Thakur 2012. Investigations on performance of Flail Type straw Chopper-cum-Spreader for paddy straw Management. The 46th Annual convention of ISAE and International symposium on Grain Storage. FMP 2012-04. Feb. 27-29, 2012, G.B.P.U.A&T., Pantnagar.
19. Vishal Singh, Arun Kumar and T.C. Thakur 2011. Effect of tillage and rice straw management methods on soil health and wheat crop response. The 45th Annual convention of ISAE and International symposium on water for agriculture. January 17-19, 2011, Nagpur
20. Arun Kumar, 2010 Technologies for sustainable paddy residue management and its effect on crop establishment and environment (ISAE/09/RM04). The 44th Annual Convention and Symposium of Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers held at Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi – 110 12 from the 28th to 30th of January 2010
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